Here's me and a couple of guys on my crew in the cockpit while flying. We did have the auto-pilot on so no need to worry.
Here's a picture of me flying on my way up to meet the tanker for some aerial refueling. You can make out one of the engines in the window above my head (I'm in the right seat).
There's the tanker. It was a KC-10 which is the bigger of the two jets we refuel from.
There's me flying in contact with the tanker. It's the most challenging part of flying and this was the first flight I've taken all of the gas in one plug by myself. I was pretty tired afterwards.
Here's us flying over some crazy mountains in country.
A better view of the jagged peaks. There are a few mountains that reach around 25,000' in this part of the country. Mt. Everest is around 29,000'.
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