Brady is 1 today! Hard to believe that it's been a year. Brian and I were talking today and it seems like it was ages ago that Brady was born, we don't remember life without him. Hard to believe that we were in the hospital a year ago, surviving on 2 hours of sleep in the past 36 hours, scared out of our minds that this human being was all ours to take care of! He has changed so much in the past year, it's crazy. Even though parenting is by far the hardest thing I've done (times 100!) it has been the best experience of my life. First feeling him kick and move, giving birth, watching him grow, smile, learn, communicate, and get mobile are some of the most amazing things to watch and to see some of yourself and your spouse in a little person is so cool. Now it's not all been roses and butterflies by far! Brady is a super strong-willed little man and I really think he is too smart for his own good. We gave up bottles (and formula) this past week and he put up such a fit it was nuts. Luckily my mom was here to help, it was horrible. Lately he has been having temper tantrums to match a grown man! It's frustrating as many parents know because he wants what he wants but he can't completely communicate to me what it is that he wants. I think we have reached the 2nd year fun times! :) Here are some recent milestones Brady has done:
He is 21 lbs, 8 oz (25%) suprising, I know. I thought he was a little plump for his age, but I guess not! He almost tripled his birth weight which is normal.
He is 29 inches long (25%). So I guess he's just a little peanut!
He has taken a few steps, but would much rather push a toy around or have someone hold his hands. He's so close, just needs to build up his confidence!
He can say lots of words now. Mama, Dada, Umma (I think that's Grandma), doggy, up (he loves saying this when he wants to be picked up now), thank you, Nana, Papa, hi and hey are two of his favorites, and buh bye.
He has 2 full teeth and is getting 4 more. The top two are almost all the way through.
He sleeps through the night and takes 1-2 naps a day.
He loves eating table foods and really likes cheese, apples, yogurt, carrots, bread, pasta, any meat, well pretty much everything except for bananas still! No more bottles now, just a cup and milk! :)
Here are some pictures from his 1st Birthday Party that we had in Nebraska yesterday. My little Easter baby is having another party in Minnesota next weekend! Spoiled little boy! :) Happy Easter everyone!
My little boy a year ago today!
The start of a crazy year!
Welcome to Brady's 1st Birthday Party! :) Our caterpillar themed party.
Birthday mat for the messy boy
Having a snack before the party started
His birthday banner outside
Some caterpillar decor
Caterpillar cupcakes
Brady looking at all of the party stuff just for him!
Caterpillar cookies
Caterpillar cake..yummy! :)
Brady showing off for everyone at his party
Brady hanging out with one of his favorites...Alma!
Easter Egg Hunt in the backyard!
Brady was pretty proud of the two that he found
It's his party and he'll cry if he wants to
Opening presents
His friend Ruby had to help him out!
Brady thinks birthdays are the best! :)
Playing in the ball pit with some of his friends
Wait, these presents are for me??
Cake time!!!
He's an old pro at that!
My big 1 year old!