Brian is still in training. The planes keep breaking down so he's behind. He was supposed to go to SERE (survival training) August 2nd, but we're not sure if he's going to be done by then or not so our August plans are really up in the air. If he doesn't go right away we are going to go home and get Brady baptized. We will have to see how the rest of training goes! He's doing really well though and really likes being up in the air again. The past weekend Brian was a groomsman in his buddy from the Academy's wedding in Delaware. I really wanted to be there, but thought it was best to stay home with the little guy! He had a blast at the wedding and made lots of new friends.
I am keeping busy with the little Brady man! He is just so much fun. He's really starting to look at objects now and is in love with all things monkey! Who knows why, but he is! :) Brian's parents, sister, and dog came to Omaha this past weekend to hang out with Brady and I while Brian was on the east coast. We had a really good time and Brady loved playing with his Nana, Papa, and Auntie Catherine! And Uncle Mack too! :)
I am in a wedding of a good friend from high school's in North Dakota this weekend so the whole crew is driving up there! We're really excited to see friends and it should be a good time! It will be Brady's first wedding and he has a stylin' outfit picked out. Otherwise not much else is going on with the Ross family. We're just spending as much time together as we can before Brian leaves and enjoying the summer! Here are some pictures from the last few weeks:
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