
Monday, February 23, 2015

We're Stuck....

Inside for the 3rd day in a row.  And we're getting a little stir crazy. But let me take you back to a few days ago..
This was Thursday. It was beautiful outside. 67 and sunny and we spent the entire afternoon outside after preschool and errands were run.

Because we knew what was coming. This "mega snow storm" was forecasted for the weekend, had been talked about for days, and people were freaking out a little. They were forecasting between 1-2 feet of snow. This winter has been really mild so far (I mean we were in t-shirts, shorts, sleeveless dresses just a couple weeks ago) so this snow got a lot of hype. Grocery stores were NUTS. I mean like 40 minutes to check out, no milk and bread left kind of nuts.  Being from Minnesota and knowing a thing or two about snowstorms, we did all of our shopping Wednesday and Thursday because nobody has time for that nonsense.

We had friends over Friday night and Saturday morning was normal enough. Brady and I ran to Starbucks and the library before the majority of the snow started. Layla slept until 10:40 that morning. So we knew naptime wasn't looking good.

The snow started to pick up around lunchtime but it was still only 30 degrees out so we decided to go on a snowstorm walk. Layla (who usually hates snow, cold weather, fun) actually was excited for it. She of course had to bring her baby with. With no pants, coat, shoes, blanket. I need to talk to her about Child Protective Services.

We went inside for lunch and the snow REALLY picked up. We knew the next day was going to be frigid so we put all of our snow gear back on and went sledding at the elementary school right next to us.

We made snow angels

This was Rascal at the beginning of sledding.

Layla actually went sledding (with 2 babies this time who had to have been freezing).

This was Rascal at the end. The rate the snow was fallling at was a little ridiculous. I promise he was ok, he just turned his head at the last minute to make himself look extra pitiful.

We put the kids to bed early and played games while watching the snow just fall like crazy.

We spent the next day shoveling, staying inside (the windchill was in the negative teens, why does it always do that after fun snowfalls?), doing some homeschool preschool, cleaning out closets, watching movies, doing crafts, reading, playing, and trying to remain as sane as possible while it was still snowing.

Brady asked for a box to make a spaceship and then it turned into a glider.

This is from this morning. We didn't really get as much snow as predicted. I would say it's about 10 inches or so?  But the roads aren't plowed at all, there's a layer of ice under that snow, and it's miserably cold. All of the schools are closed, some of the businesses, and the Air Force Academy actually had a 2 hour delay (which rarely happens). 

So another day inside we'll spend. Prayers for my sanity. ;)

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Say It Isn't So

See that baby? That baby just got signed up for kindergarten today.  WHERE HAVE THE LAST 4 AND A HALF YEARS GONE?! How could my baby be going to kindergarten this fall? I know people say it all of the time how the years just fly by and now I'm starting to understand it. The first 3 years of his life? They went by extremely slow but now time is just flying. Brady has a late April birthday and I have agonized over if sending him this fall is the right decision or not. After preschool conferences last week I know academically he is definitely ready. Socially, I'm not as sure. He's a  sensitive kid and I worry he may get overwhelmed being in a huge class. He is fine with a group of kids for awhile (he's doing great with his Tues/Thurs 9-1 preschool) but he really likes his alone time too. There are so many options here in Colorado. Charter schools, Catholic schools, public schools, awesome homeschool networks, you name it!  With all of that in mind, we decided to enroll him in our neighborhood elementary school  (literally 1 minute away walking) and we're sending him half day (in this school district you pay if you want full day). We just pray we've made the right decision.  I know that he will mature a lot more in the next 6 months and he is just so, so excited to go the "big school" with the "big playground". So even though I want to keep him home forever, I have to do what is best and let him go.  I just know that I'm going to be an absolute mess come August 17th.

And this little princess? Yeah she just got signed up for preschool this fall too. Wahhh! She'll be 3 this May and has wanted to join Brady in preschool since she was ummmm 1 years old.  She is super social and the day we toured said, "Ok bye Mommy! I'm here to play with my friends." She's a little sass machine and I know she's just going to absolutely adore being "big" and going to school this September. 

 Now Mommy just needs to get on board with all of the changes coming this fall. That whole 2 mornings free a week though...that does sound nice! :)

Monday, February 9, 2015

A Beautiful Weekend

I have said several times that weather here in Colorado is the oddest I have ever experienced. And this weekend was no exception. It was in the 70's all weekend (70's IN FEBRUARY?!) and we spent all weekend outdoors soaking in every last ray of sunshine. Because of course it's supposed to snow on Wednesday. 

I worked a vendor fair Saturday morning (Valentine's for Wounded Warriors) which  I took zero pictures of.

After that I met up with these cuties (who were pretending it was summer with their sleeveless dresses and shorts) at Palmer Park for a hike.

After all of that hard hiking we decided burgers and milkshakes were in order. Brian chose a bacon cheeseburger in between two grilled cheeses. It's not like my burger was much better but I had to laugh that it was in between grilled cheese. Counting calories was not a part of this meal. Yikes, I don't even want to know! Hiking probably burns at  least 3,000 calories, right?! ;)

Sunday morning we spent more time outside in the beautiful sunshine. We went for walks, played at the park, got some Girl Scout cookies (YES!), and I snuck out for lunch and pedicures with my friend Kristen. Which was much needed. I feel like such a better mom and wife when I take some time out for myself. And my feet are in much better shape too. Running is not kind to the feet!

After naps more time outside, a family Starbucks date, and another park. To say the kids slept well would be an understatement!

 This weekend makes me excited for spring and summer. There is nothing better than spending the weekend as a family and enjoying the outdoors in beautiful Colorado. Today is supposed to be in the 60's so we'll be spending every moment outside that we can. Happy Monday! :)

Monday, February 2, 2015


February, already? Feels like not long ago I was writing out my calendar for August. I feel like I'm still sorta on a vacation hangover. Take me back! I need beaches and warm sunshine! Brady didn't have preschool last week (conferences) so I still feel like we're trying to get back on a schedule. But enough whining, here are some things that are going on here: 

1. Rascal turned 9.  And we of course had cake. Which Rascal had absolutely none of, contrary to the way it looks in the picture. But he did get some new toys and we tried to spoil him as much as possible. He's been living with diabetes for over 2 years now and I have to say I wasn't always sure he'd make it this far. I remember on his diagnosis day thinking diabetes was a death sentence but with daily shots of insulin he's been truckin along! And still growling and barking daily at the UPS man, post man, and garbage men!

2. I've never lived in a place with weather like this. We had snow and freezing rain one day and then the next day it was 70 degrees. It is bizarre but I'm loving our mild winter so far! 

3. No big Superbowl parties for us this year. Brian went to a work party (that was adults only) and I was happy to stay at home, order pizza, and play with the kiddos. I've never really been into the Superbowl, especially when it's two teams I don't really care about, and this year was no exception. The halftime show was on right before bathtime so I let Brady and Layla watch a little of it. They were in awe. Probably because Katy Perry's performance had blow up animals. 

4. Oh yeah, we got fish. Brian had a brilliant (and random) idea the other week to get the kids some fish and they were allowed to name them. Fully expecting the names Fish and Fishy they surprised us with the names JoJo and Nemo (ok,  not super original but she's only 2!).  I am pleased to say that they are both still alive and doing swimmingly (gag).  

5. Aaaaaand if I'm already not crazy enough, I decided it'd be a good idea to sign up for a HALF MARATHON. That's like 13 whole miles. Have I even walked 13 miles? I don't know? My race is in Denver (it goes through the zoo!) on May 17th and I'm running with a dear friend from Omaha and a dear friend from here. I am nervous. I ran a mile here the other day and man that altitude gets to you, fast.  I keep telling myself that I never thought I could run a 5k and then a 10k but I did. So half marathon, here I come!!

Have a great week! ;)

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